Areumdamda was initially established to expand and research the application of
advanced game development technologies, comparable in scale to the game industry,
into various fields such as applied arts, emotional healing, and other future-related businesses.
Our research is not confined to fixed fields but approaches a wide range of areas where art and technology converge, including games, publishing, virtual architecture, media exhibitions, and healing content industries.
Creating synergy between these areas during the research and development process is one of our key directions.
We aim to gradually expand our research division alongside our development team.
Through these artistic projects, we also aspire to play a role as a social enterprise.

아름담다는 사회적 책임을 다하며 지속 가능한 미래를 위해 노력합니다.
환경 보호, 지역사회 발전, 그리고 모두에게 기회를 제공하는 포용적 경영을 추구하며 긍정적인 변화를 이끌어 나가고자 합니다.
더 나은 세상을 위한 작은 변화에서부터 혁신적인 사회 공헌까지, 고객과 함께 성장하는 기업이 되겠습니다.

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